Smartype – Wireless Keyboard Designed to Avoid Neck Pain

Smartype – a wireless keyboard with a screen
Smartype is a new wireless keyboard which includes a long narrow display which can show what you type as you type it for improved typing experience plus giving you another piece of screen real state for tiny useful applications.
According to its developers Smartype should have the following benefits:
– It should reduce typing errors (as you see what you are typing without moving your head).
– It could increase your typing speed (if you don’t need to move your head/eyes all the time and fix typing errors your typing speed should improve).
– The wireless key board should reduce eye and neck strain (less back and forth movement between the screen and the wireless keyboard).

– Improve your concentration (less distraction while you type from too much onscreen information).
– Smartype applications could potentially increase productivity (although these might cause its distractions of their own).